By the time you can build this, ecodamage will be a serious problem. However, Brood Pits come fairly late at Centauri Genetics. In Alien Crossfire, this plus a Brood Pit brings you to the magic +3 Police rating where police effect is doubled (unless your faction has an inherent police penalty). Everybody else benefits, but not as much as these three. The Spartans too, benefit greatly, as it enhances their existing police rating. For Morgan, it's a kicker too, all but eliminating his small base problem. Handy for everyone, of course, but Lal gets a real booster out of it, enabling him to get obscenely large bases well before Hab-Domes.
A no-brainer unless you have a faster way to win. The Voice of Planet must also have been built by any factionīuild this and win a Transcendence Victory.Prerequisite: Threshold of Transcendence.